Monday, July 18, 2011

One week to go, and lots to get done!

Ugh, packing. When I was younger, I would start packing for a trip a week ahead of time. Now, I pack maybe 1-2 days before hand. It could be that I'm more "experienced" as a packer, or that I'm lazy. At this point I think it's difficult to begin packing since I am unsure of the weather beyond the day I arrive (which--by the way--has changed to rain).  I know I can bank on the 65-75 degree highs and mid-50 degree lows (too bad I don't have my heavy winter PJ's here in Tucson. But that's good sleeping weather for sure). There's a lot that has to get done this week, so perhaps I should start gathering items and casually tossing them in my suitcase. 

In the world of entertainment, I had thought of renting several movies from iTunes (the movies on the flights look super boring), but then I had an idea. I will bring several DVDs with me to watch on my laptop. I also have the entire first season of Hawaii Five-0 on iTunes to keep me busy. ;) I might pick up some (good) magazines or a book (maybe I'll make a trip to Bookmans this week), but I have enough to read while I study for my comprehensive exams. My BFF Dorothy was kind enough to lend me her laptop power cord for flights, so I will have a constant power supply on the Trans-Atlantic flights. We laugh because her cord has earned so many miles (I even took it from New York to Tucson to Hawaii in January) and every flight I have been on to date has not had the power ports at my seat. She's experience the same thing. The cord is like a "Flat Stanley" at this rate, we think it's time to start a travel log for it. Finally several years later, it will be used! 

There is much to be done this week. Thankfully I have the next two days to myself to get things taken care of around the apartment. I am finally getting my hair cut on Friday. My last cut was in mid-May, I have not gone this long without a cut in YEARS. With the humidity we have been experiencing from the Monsoons here in Tucson, I have been so uncomfortable. My hair has reached my shoulders. I don't tend to cut much off, but it desperately needs a shaping and thinning out. I look like the Shaggy Dog! :) There are lots of lists and reminders on my cell phone so I don't forget anything. 

Here we go! Next post will be on departure day! :)

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