Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day Five: July 30, 2011

Today was rather busy. There was a lot that needed to get done before the christening that is tomorrow (Sunday). First I joined Anne, Peter, Henry, and Peter’s family for breakfast. For those that don’t know what a typical German breakfast would be here it is: bread (especially dark breads), cheese, butter, some cold cuts, Nutella, and maybe yogurt or cereal. Today they had croissants and various rolls, a plate of several different cheeses, Nutella, jam, butter, margarine, and a plate of cold cuts that had hams, salami, liverwurst and other things. They will have a similar thing in the evening and their big meal at lunchtime. Peter tried the Peanut Butter we bought the night before. It was his first time ever having it and he liked it. I had to explain that it’s much better with Jelly than alone.

After breakfast began a bunch of preparations. First we stopped at the Fire House where the christening reception will be. Peter is a volunteer fireman and has use of the house. As I said we had gone shopping last night, and we dropped off the goodies and checked the kitchen out for supplies. I helped Peter bring drinking glasses down from the firehouse attic and he showed Anne & I the inside of their fire trucks. The trucks here are neon orange with neon yellow stripes. I’ll get pictures at the reception. After that, we dropped Anne and sleeping Henry off at their apartment so she can feed him lunch and Peter and I went back out to get more supplies. They had to get some beer (he bought Grapefruit beer) and soda. We also stopped at a grocery store for a few more ingredients that Anne needed for some salads that she will be making for the party.

When we returned, I thought we would be in for the day. But it turned out that we were going to go to a local mall. So back out I went. First, we stopped at the firehouse to drop off what we had just bought. We got to the mall and it was a lot like a typical three level mall. We had lunch (I had some Italian food ..”penne with Ragu” ….no not that sauce….more of a meat sauce. It was pretty good). We walked around each level and I bought a few shirts. It was hard to shop here because they have sweaters on sale. Yes, I bought two, but really when will I used them again? December at the earliest? They are good for Tucson at least, light sweaters. We also stopped for ice cream. I asked the guy behind the counter if he spoke English (he looked Italian) and he said “yes, a little” and I placed my order of mint ice cream in a cone. He said “well, that wasn’t too bad.” Haha. At least we understood each other. One thing I think I mentioned the other day was how surprised I was that they allow dogs in malls and grocery stores. I finally saw a Pomeranian today; of course it was half the size of Linus and a ¼ size of a certain Pomeranian mix I know back in Tucson. ::ahem:: But there were dogs galore in the mall today. As well as babies. Wow! So many strollers out and about. It didn’t rain at all in the afternoon or evening. Just in the morning. But the day was breezy, cool and cloudy. Not so great for being out doors. It was about 60 around 7 or 8 pm.

Tomorrow (Sunday) is the big day; Henry is being baptized. I hope I don’t screw up the little line (in German) I have to say at the ceremony.

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