Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day Thirteen: August 7, 2011

My second to last day. It's bittersweet. Will of course miss everyone here, but also will be happy to be home and see my Tucson pals. I've missed the desert and the monsoons. Rain here just isn't the same as a monsoon storm. I'm also excited and scared to start this semester

I enjoyed my time in Rostock and Schwerin. Eastern Germany--although in a united country--is like another world. It's starting to build up again. Anne said they pay 20 Euros a month in taxes out of their paychecks to help rebuild the Eastern portion of the country. After 20+ years that's a lot of money.Last night just as I was ready to go to sleep it started to pour buckets, it was insane. I popped a second melatonin and that was the last thing I remembered. I slept well. haha. This morning we cleaned up Isabelle's apartment, did some laundry and packed the car. We hit the road about 1pm and were back in Hamburg by 3. The ride back was good. Spotted some Swiss and Italian license plates. When we got back into HH (Hamburg) we stopped for something to eat. I'm proud to say that I ordered my food all by myself. Although the waitress didn't understand me at first. Figures. We came home and unpacked and I managed to get most of my belongings situated in my suitcase and backpack. I gave mom a call since I was unable to do so for the past few days.

Around 6pm Anne and I took the train into the city to meet up with here sister and her sister's friend. We stopped and had a drink at one of the bars in the "hip area" of the city. We had a good time. Anne was busy teasing her sister and wound up breaking her wine glass. haha. She behaved after that. The girls wanted to take me to the Reeperbahn after our drinks since when I was here in 97 we only drove past it. For those that don't know, the Reeperbahn is a street with many sex shops and other "interesting things". Think Times Square in the 70s. As we were waiting for our train to the Reeperbahn we spotted a shady looking drunk dude sitting down that had a hard time getting up. He got up and hopped on his train. But then we noticed a 7" knife on the ground. It was like a Crocodile Dundee knife. Anne called security and we waiting for them to come take it. We were afraid that some drunk would spot it and then stab someone. When the security guys came their faces were priceless. ha. We caught the next train and were on our way. When we arrived, we stopped in a "boutique" and had a few good laughs. There were some interesting and yet frightening things there. I'll spare you the details. :)

And here I am, getting ready for bed in Anne & Peter's apartment. Let's hope Henry is quiet tonight. Tomorrow's my last day. I think we're going to stay local. It's supposed to rain, so we'll see what we get done.

Three posts in one I suppose I'm making up for my missed time!

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