Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day Seven: August 1, 2011

A week has gone by since I departed Tucson. And tomorrow will be one week since my arrival. It’s gone by fast. I have exactly one week left.

I had a slow start to the day today. I was so tired from yesterday’s festivities. Poor Anne & Peter had a short night’s sleep yet again. Henry woke up pretty early from what she told me. The three of us had planned to go to the Miniature Wunderland Museum (get website) in the city, but Peter’s mom had too many kids today (she baby sits). So Peter stayed in with Henry and Anne and I went. When she and I arrived to the city we had to catch a bus from the Rathaus (city hall). We waited for the bus, and the sign said it was coming. I saw it behind another bus and we both assumed it would pull up once the tourist bus left—but no. It totally left. So we had to wait about 10 minutes. So we walked to the St. Petri church to pass the time. What a pretty church. I have a soft spot for Gothic architecture and this was just that inside. Wait until you see the pictures. We left and started to head back to the bus stop across the street and there was the dang bus. We had to run like the wind to catch it and we did just in time. One stop later we got off (believe me the stop wasn’t exactly in short walking distance), and we walked over to the museum.

The Wunderland museum is basically a large setting of HO model trains set up as different countries. They had the western US, Austria, Germany (of course), the city of Hamburg and even the airport, Scandinavia, Denmark, & Switzerland. There was so much detail! You can change the “mood” of the rooms (day or night) so you can see the city lights. They had cars driving up and down the roads, boats moving on their own in water, and the Kennedy Space Center with our now non-existent shuttle program taking off. I believe they have plans to have the planes take off on the airport runway. There were rock concerts with thousands of people placed in attendance, a carnival, a nude beach (yes, that’s right), and my favorite was the little welders in the shipyard. The torches actually lit up. I took movies for my father who is a train nut. Hopefully I will get some of those movies up on here when I come home. The place was very busy and for some reason German people don’t say “excuse me” when they need to get by. They just push their way through. I noticed the way they walk on sidewalks here in the city….anywhere they want. At home we of course have the right side of the road rule (yes they drive on the right here), maybe it’s our Elementary school upbringing that makes us do this. But in NYC you walk on the right. That was a bit unnerving to deal with. There were two people in wheelchairs and people just walked around them like it was nothing. They didn’t wait to let them through or anything. Anne and I got stuck in a corner in the Scandinavia section. She told me to just push people and I couldn’t do it. You do that in the States and forget it! Haha. We got through in about 2 hours or so. She said when it’s not so busy it can take longer.

Before we caught the train home I asked to stop in the St. Michael Church because it was nearby. She said it was one of the most famous in the city. Yet another beautiful church. It had an amazing organ and choir area. As I walked around I noticed three plaques in a corner. It turns out that Brahms was baptized there; Telemann served as music director there at some point and CPE Bach was also a director and is interred in the crypt below. I didn’t go see poor CPE (yes I know that rhymed), it was about 5 Euros to go to the crypt and we didn’t have time. Do my viola-playing friends see a pattern with this church? Haha.

We got home around 4 or so and had something to eat. Anne had to get some household chores done and I played with Henry a bit. Anne’s mother noticed he had two teeth coming in yesterday. He has been munching on his binky and fingers all week long. He’s a very strong baby. He grabbed onto Anne’s ironing board and I picked him up to get him away and he kept his grip and pulled the board with him about 2”. He was so tired today too. I sure hope they get to sleep through the night tonight. As for what’s in store for tomorrow, I’m not 100% sure. We may go to the zoo; (it’s 18 Euros a piece…that’s crazy. And I only have about 30 Euros left), or we may go to a garden/flower exhibit. It’s supposed to be nice tomorrow, near 80 and sunny. Today wasn’t too bad, it was cloudy and in the low 70s. Tolerable yet again.

Until tomorrow!!

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